Hurricane Lee slams the Maine coast.
Lots of growers in my town. Fun to shoot, but wow are those growing rooms cramped!
A marketing shot for L-OM Buckwheat Pillows. This is a fairly complex composite and the idea was to create a striking image that conveyed peace and quite in a unique way.
Our town hosts an awesome free concert series in the warm months.
Lots of happy families at Bridgton's Music on Main concert in May.
One of two shots for L-OMA Buckheat Pillows. It always helps to have a model that, um...sleeps on the job, LOL.
Once again I caught Juli lying down on the job...
Timing was everything on this shot for Adventure Ready Brands.
Jumping in a frozen lake for charity. A great, if chilly cause!
This was a very tricky composite. That goalie in the background? Yeah, she wasn't even there.
A great day shooting the workings of a company that makes huge material-handling equipment. It was really loud.
I love it when my clients ask me to play with fire!
Solstice light only happens a few times a year. I was ready this time!
I worked with this little kid for at least 20 minutes as his "mom" was pulling off adhesive bandages. So many blah images. And then....magic. SO worth the wait.
An ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) concept image for a client. Someone lost in the woods with a compass.
Challenging shot because the model's helmet was originally black and the client wanted it grey. Photoshop wizardry required!
Hands-on shots always help the customer visualize the product.
Timing is everything (or just take 300 shots, whatever works, right?)
This is just a towel hanger for the shower. I love making cool images from ordinary things.
My client wanted this to look particularly grungy, as if the guy was lost in the forest.
No rain? Well, we do have this hose....
My client wanted to show how their knife morphed from a blade into a saw. Easy composite.
My friend and YouTube branding master Philip VanDusen says this is his favorite image of mine.
A very tricky composite (sparks are hard?)
Dandilions inside a nest of glass mixing bowls. Ordinary becomes extraordinary.
The happy couple!
Harder than you might imagine. But that's the trick, right? Make the hard stuff look easy!
Grabbed this after all the "real" shooting was done. Best of the bunch!
Oh, kids. Frustrating for hours...then magic.
Nature in the studio: shot, then sauteed in butter!
Tricky lifestyle shot. Making these look natural can take a lot of work!
No salamanders were hurt in the making of this composite.
Sometimes I make photos just for fun so that people look at them and say, "Huh?" (And my daughter is my favorite model.)
One of my clients has just SO MANY things that spray!
The simple elegance of tech.
Jumper cable and egg filled with lava. Totally normal around my studio.
I find eggs to be photographically fascinating. Very anthropormorphic. A new take on egg drop soup.
Sunflowers in the wind, just for the fun of it.