This service provides local businesses with a nearly inexhaustible stream of images that they can post on their websites and social media platforms. I visit once a month, blast away for an hour or so, and a few days later deliver a folder full of new images, all properly sized for each platform, for your posting pleasure! It's fast, effortless, affordable, and keeps you from being...
"Out of Feed Out of Mind"
Consistently posting new images is one of the very best ways to maximize search results and show your customers (and competitors) that you are thriving!
Here is a slew of samples from our favorite restaurant and bookstore. Each of the two on-location shoots below took less than an hour, but produced a month's worth of social media images!
Beth's Kitchen Cafe, Bridgton, Maine
Bridgton Books, Bridgton, Maine
Get in touch today and let's get you posting like crazy!
Thank you!
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